Lake Ihema is situated in the south of the park in savannah region of the eastern province of Rwanda. Akagera river feeds a complex of a dozen of lakes that include Lake Ihema. It’s also the biggest lake in the park and covers an area of about 90 square kilometers with a depth that varies from 5 to 7 m depending on the area and the season. The eastern lake shore also forms the border between Tanzania and Rwanda.

The boat launch runs 3 times a day by a professional guide and gives you a fantastic view of  it's rich biodiversity including many hippos , nile crocodiles and an amazing array of birdlife.  As for the birds, it has 550 species including. The Shoebill and the Papyrus Ganolex as well as endemic species including the Jacanas, Ibis, Plovers, Herons, Malachite Kingfisher, Hawks, Fish Eagles and many more.

This lake is also surrounded by the large seasonal as well as the perennial papyrus swamps. The wetlands are important habitats for the protected animals with in the park; they also don’t give a permanent source of drinking water for the large mammals and also forms an important water bird sanctuary.