Ishasha Community Uplift Group has been set up as an organisation committed to conserving the bio-diversity of the area by reducing threats to the eco systems through increased economic opportunities for local community members.
The Community is situated in area bordering the Southern Ishasha Sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park in South West Uganda. Being along the main route between Bwindi (where visitors view the mountain gorillas) and QENP it is ideally suited for a stopover for an interesting and fulfilling visit to the community from which visitors can be engaged to have a broader understanding of the local communities of the area and their challenges. In particular, we are focusing on those communities which border the park and fight a continual battle between growing their crops and the game incursions which raid them as an easy source of food. We offer a guided tour with some of the community members of this agricultural area which incorporates different areas of interest to visitors including experiencing Agartha’s Taste of Uganda Tour and learn about what she farms and how grains and millet are processed for her family’s use. You may also pass via the elephant trench which is a means to reducing animal crop raiding, and can visit the local school where Wildlife Clubs has been initiated, if interested.