Minneriya, Kaudulla, and Hurulu are all national parks located in Sri Lanka and are known for their diverse wildlife and safari experiences. Each park has its own unique features and attractions. The choice between Minneriya, Kaudulla, and Hurulu, as well as the timing of the safari (morning or afternoon), depends on your personal preferences and priorities. Here is some information to help you make a decision:

Minneriya National Park:
Minneriya National Park is famous for its large gatherings of elephants, especially during the dry season. The park is home to over 300 wild elephants, and during the famous "Elephant Gathering," which usually occurs from July to October, you can witness hundreds of elephants congregating around the Minneriya Tank (reservoir). Apart from elephants, the park is also home to various bird species, deer, wild boar, and monkeys.

Morning Safari: A morning safari in Minneriya can offer cooler temperatures and better lighting for photography. You can enjoy the sunrise and witness animals as they start their day.

Afternoon Safari: An afternoon safari allows you to explore the park during the warmer hours of the day when animals are typically more active. You can observe elephants bathing in the reservoir and enjoy the beautiful sunset views.

Kaudulla National Park:
Kaudulla National Park is another excellent location for elephant sightings, often referred to as a "hidden gem" among Sri Lanka's national parks. The park is known for its large elephant population, and like Minneriya, it also experiences the annual Elephant Gathering. Apart from elephants, Kaudulla is home to sambar deer, spotted deer, wild boar, and various bird species.

Morning Safari: A morning safari in Kaudulla offers the advantage of cooler temperatures and a peaceful atmosphere. You can enjoy the tranquility of the park and spot wildlife as they become active.

Afternoon Safari: An afternoon safari allows you to witness the park's wildlife in action during the warmer hours. You can observe elephants roaming, bathing, and engaging in social behaviors.

Hurulu Eco Park:
Hurulu Eco Park is located near Habarana and is known for its elephant population, as well as diverse flora and fauna. The park provides a more off-the-beaten-path experience compared to Minneriya and Kaudulla.

Morning Safari: A morning safari in Hurulu allows you to explore the park when animals are typically active and the temperatures are cooler. You can spot elephants, endemic bird species, and possibly even leopards and sloth bears.

Afternoon Safari: An afternoon safari in Hurulu offers the opportunity to observe wildlife during the warmer hours. You can enjoy the scenic landscapes and encounter elephants, deer, and other animals.

When choosing between the parks and the timing of the safari, consider factors such as the season, wildlife preferences, lighting conditions for photography, and your own comfort. It's recommended to check with local tour operators or your accommodation provider for the latest information on wildlife sightings and park conditions to make an informed decision.