The Hahei Explorer is an hour long, travels up to 14kms, and takes the visitor into coastal islands of the marine reserve, reefs, massive sea caves and bays, including the world famous Cathedral Cove. The magnificence of this natural volcanic scenery is legendary and the approach by sea, combined with an insightful yet relaxed commentary further enhances the experience.

Important Tour Details:
Departs/ Finishes: South end of Hahei Beach, off Wigmore Cresent.
Phone number: 07 866 3910 - Please call operator 1 hour prior departure to check-in.
Length of tour: takes 1 hour.
Check-in: 15 minutes prior departure.
How to get there: Departs from the south end of Hahei Beach, off Wigmore Cresent. Please note that there is no toilet at the departure point.
What to bring: Camera, rain jacket (subject to weather), sun glasses, sun screen, sun hat.
What is provided: Safety briefing, Qualified Guide, Specialised tour equipment.
Note: maximal 10 people in one boat.