The South Island's West Coast is a unique 600 km coast with the wild mountain world of the Southern Alps. This low populated region has sixteen different glaciers, many peaceful lakes and untamed rivers. The "Coasters" are proud of living in good harmony with the wild and original nature at their doorsteps. The lifestyle of the pioneer era is still omnipresent here - more than anywhere else in New Zealand.
The West Coast rains have created an almost fairy-tale rain forest. Moss clad trees and fern trees are typical. We make a stop at Hokitika for the famous Jade manufactory.
Next we continue our tour to Franz Josef, reaching the Southern Alps.
There are not many areas in the world where one can watch seals and penguins at the beach, wander through the dense rain forest and walk on the eternal ice of the glaciers - all in one day. The Westland National Park offers these contrasts. The ice streams of the Franz Josef and the Fox glaciers start at approximately 3000 meters altitude and reach into the rain forests on a level of 300 meters. This makes both glaciers unique in the world.