Nestled amidst tranquillity, Enchoro Wildlife Camp offers accommodation located in Ololaimutiek Village, Kenya. The camp offers three types of tented rooms and a campsite. Each room has a private bathroom, a mosquito net and luggage storage. Guests can conveniently enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner at the on-site restaurant. Enchoro Wildlife Camp also offers an array of excursions, including mountain tours and safaris.
The tents are made of khaki canvas; local wood is used for the buildings, and blends in beautifully.
Very spacious and luxurious tents, with a comfortable bed, good-quality beddings, etc. and a great bathroom and amenities.
The views from the tents are beautiful.
All tents have flash toilets,running hot and cold water,reading table,foldable chair and magazines to keep you entertained.
This room has a single bed
The tents are made of khaki canvas; local wood is used for the buildings, and blends in beautifully.
Very spacious and luxurious tents, with a comfortable bed, good-quality beddings, etc. and a great bathroom and amenities.
The views from the tents are beautiful.
All tents have flash toilets,running hot and cold water,reading table,foldable chair and magazines to keep you entertained.
This room has twin beds
The tents are made of khaki canvas; local wood is used for the buildings, and blends in beautifully.
Very spacious and luxurious tents, with a comfortable bed, good-quality beddings, etc. and a great bathroom and amenities.
The views from the tents are beautiful.
All tents have flash toilets,running hot and cold water,reading table,foldable chair and magazines to keep you entertained.
This room has three beds
The tents are made of khaki canvas; local wood is used for the buildings, and blends in beautifully.
Very spacious and luxurious tents, with a comfortable bed, good-quality beddings, etc. and a great bathroom and amenities.
The views from the tents are beautiful.
The room has flash toilets with running cold and hot showers,desk,chair,a locker and magazines to keep you entertained.