This is your main safari day in Saadani. You will first head straight to the Wami river located in the south of the park. You’ll pass a small salt works en-route where you can often see fantastic flamingo. Heading a bit further south you’ll arrive at the river just before lunch. Jump on the boat and head downstream amongst large hippo pods. Look out for crocs lining the bank and marvel at the stunning birdlife. This is just one of 2 parks which allow boat safari, the other being Selous Game Reserve (now called Nyerere National Park). It’s lovely to get out of the car and into a boat for a few hours for a very different safari experience. Afterwards, you’ll get back into the game drive car, this time traversing the park from South to North, looking for elephant, lion, buffalo. The best time to see elephant however is later in the day just before dusk.