The Gamewatchers Safari Adventure Camp is located within the Selenkay Conservancy – a 15000 acre private wilderness in the heart of Maasai country near Amboseli. All the big cats have been seen in the Kenyan Conservancy as well as elephants and a wide range of species including large numbers of giraffes, zebra, and antelopes. There are also less common animals which may be seen such as the long-necked gerenuk gazelle, lesser kudu and African wildcat.

The Gamewatchers Adventure Camp offers the same high quality wildlife safari experience provided by the top-end safari camps, with game viewing in 4×4 safari vehicles escorted by top class Maasai guides and spotters in an exclusive wildlife conservancy far away from the tourist minibuses. However, this is at a hugely reduced price, achieved by staying in a more basic adventure camp, which is more like “real camping” instead of the luxury accommodation of the expensive up-market tented lodges.

The safari camp can be reached from Nairobi by daily scheduled light aircraft flights from Wilson Airport Nairobi to the Amboseli airstrip (Private charters to the nearby Selenkay airstrip) . While at camp all safari transport for game drives is in shared 4×4 open-sided safari vehicles with expert guides