RDB Gorilla Tracking offers visitors the opportunity to experience the life of gorillas in the Volcanoes National Park in northern Rwanda. Visitors are taken on a unique adventure with expert guides through the park to view the daily life of gorillas in their natural habitat. For an awe-inspiring hour, visitors will be able to see the homes of these gentle creatures amongst the bamboo-covered slopes. Ten gorilla families are living in the Volcanoes National Park, and each family consists of one Silverback, several females and a group of youngsters. The hikes into the mountains can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours, depending on the gorilla family being tracked. The journey back can take just as long, and expert guides will give a pre-trek briefing on specific protocols and rules for visiting the gorillas. Porters are also available to help carry backpacks and cameras, as well as assisting visitors with their footing along the hike.