Often overshadowed by its considerably larger neighbour, Yogyakarta, Surakarta - also known as Solo - is an ideal destination for travellers seeking a quieter, more traditional, off-the-beaten-track experience. This historic royal city boasts an idyllic setting on Indonesia’s Java Island, with three volcanoes presiding over the city from afar. The broad, tree-lined avenues are a pleasure to explore, with countless restaurants, art galleries, malls, palaces and museums to discover in the relatively compact city centre. Solo is particularly well-known for its excellent shopping opportunities with an impressive range of markets, including a lovely antique bazaar and a large market specialising in batik fabric. Despite possessing all the trappings one might expect of a modern city, Solo has managed to retain its sleepy village ambience and, as the least Westernised city in Central Java, and its rich Javanese cultural heritage remains apparent throughout the city.