Chris Nel from Living Desert Adventures offers a living desert tour, also known as the "Little 5" tour, which explores the local dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. While conducting tours, the guides will take great care to share their knowledge of the desert and the unique adaptations that the animals and plants use to survive in this harsh, sensitive ecosystem, which depends on the life-giving fog that rolls in daily. Special attention is given to keeping the desert in pristine condition, and much care and respect are exercised while handling the delicate desert animals. Some of the fantastic endemic species found on this tour include the web-footed Namib dune gecko, shovel-snouted lizards, snakes, chameleons, skinks, and scorpions, a variety of beetles and insects, including numerous plants that survive in this barren habitat. Plenty of time will be made available for frequent stops to take photos of the dunes and the surrounding environment. Visitors will have an opportunity to look for animal tracks on the dunes to determine which creatures were active the previous night. The guide will also try to catch some specially adapted dune animals to photograph and learn more about them. The tour starts at 08h00 and ends between 12h00 and 13h00. Soft drinks and water are included.