Kibune is a rural town located in the ancient city of Kyoto and is notable for its picturesque mountain, the mystical Goshinsui river, and the spectacular Kifune Shrine.
Kifune Shrine is dedicated to the god of water and rain and believed to be the protector of those at sea. Here you can obtain a unique type of fortune written on paper slips (omikuji) that reveal their messages when dipped into water.
Okunomiya, the inner sanctum and original site of Kifune Shrine, lies about one km further up the valley. It has a large rock, known as the boat stone, which is said to be where the goddess' yellow boat is buried.
Kibune is a popular destination, and visitors can explore its fine restaurants, cable cars, hot spring baths and heritage buildings.
There is a hiking trail in the cedar forest, suitable for all ages.