The United Nations’ Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is of global significance. Listed on CITES as a cheetah breeding hub, the Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre has played an important role in the conservation of endangered animals, especially cheetahs and rhinos, in South Africa, since 1990. While they do rescue and rehabilitate cheetah and rhino survivors of poaching, their focus has been to promote cheetah survival by breeding and maintaining diverse bloodlines, as well as providing research opportunities.

HESC works tirelessly to create awareness both locally and internationally of the destructiveness of poaching. A guided tour will take guests into the world of theses cats, white rhino, and wild dog.  Guests can also meet the gentle giant Esme the white rhino and her two faithful companions, David the dog and Miele the sheep. There is also the unique experience of the vulture feeding restaurant.