Experience the remarkable changing colours of the entire desert landscape and the spectacular sight of Uluru and Kata Tjuta at dawn.

Departing Longitude 131° before dawn, guests are transported to the Uluru base walk. As day breaks over Australia’s heartland, the guide discusses the history of this unique area, including the plights of early explorers and their interactions with Anangu, the traditional owners of this spectacular wilderness.

With a greater understanding of one of the world’s truly ancient cultures, guests walk around the base of Uluru and see for themselves the sites which are so sacred to the traditional owners. A walk into the Mutitjulu waterhole offers each guest a unique insight into the sheer physical and spiritual enormity of Uluru. During the walk, the guide will point out cave paintings and other relevant sites important to Anangu and the early explorers.

A light breakfast awaits you at the Talinguru Nyakunytjaku viewing area before continuing on to the Cultural Centre to learn the cultural and spiritual meanings of Uluru and Kata Tjuta. You will return to Longitude 131° mid morning.

To climb the world’s largest monolith is against the wishes of traditional owners because the path you would otherwise follow is the traditional route taken by their ancestral Mala (rufous hare-wallaby men) on their arrival at this sacred place. A base walk will, however, offer you a deeply personal, moving and lasting experience.