Set in northern Iceland and one of the most popular tourist attractions in the country, Mývatn is a eutrophic lake in a geothermal valley. Here, boiling mud pots and hissing fumaroles are surrounded by magnificent mountains of sulphur-streaked rock contrasted with snow and ice. The valley hides a collection of caves containing surreal rock formations and is dotted with sweeping wetlands teeming with plant and birdlife. The Mývatn Nature Baths is a bathing lagoon that contains around 3.5 million litres of water with a temperature of between 3 - 40 °C. Places not to be missed include Hverfjall, Leirhnjúkur, Dimmuborgir, Höfdir, Grjótagjá, Skútustadagígar, Lofthellir, Krafla and the hot springs east of Námskardur.