Sanbona is one of South Africa’s largest privately-owned nature reserves, stretching across 62 000 hectares of rich protected ecosystems within two biodiversity hotspots. This vast track of land in the Little Karoo outside Montagu, a mere 3.5 hours drive from Cape Town along Route 62, is owned by a non-profit company focused on steering conservation to the forefront of the safari experience. Sanbona offers an authentic and contrasting natural space, striving to create a balance where critically important ecosystems, endangered wildlife and flora can prosper for the benefit of future generations.
Tilney Manor at Sanbona Wildlife Reserve consists of 3 separate units including 6 large open plan suites, each opening onto private verandas overlooking breathtaking views of undulating mountains and plains. This lush oasis setting of Tilney Manor is surrounded by carefully laid out indigenous gardens.