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East Africa Safari Ventures Luxury Mobile Camp

Day & Night Game Drives

No day is ever the same on safari and we encourage you to take the time to enjoy every sighting. Your guide will make recommendations for your daily activities and there is no set schedule. Head out at dawn on an early morning game drive and the possibility of spotting the predators who have spent the night hunting and are feasting on their kill. Go further afield across the Maasai Mara Game Reserve for a full day, relax in the heat of the day in the shade of a tree with your picnic lunch and make full use of your time on safari enjoying the variety of game that the area has to offer. If you spend some time relaxing in camp, then we recommend an afternoon game drive, sundowner cocktail and return to camp when it's dark, searching out the predators on the move or other nocturnal species. We use a red filter which does not disturb the game, allowing them to continue their nocturnal activities without interference.

Note: Private Conservancies allow night game drives, however National Parks & Reserves only permit day game drives.

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Guided Bush Walks

A bush walk gives you the opportunity to stretch your legs and be a bit more active on your safari. All walks take place in the Ol Derekes Conservancy and can be as long or short as your personal fitness allows. Walks in this area take you along the rivers edge, across the plains and down towards the waterfall and pools on the Sand River. Your guide will schedule the best time with you as part of your daily game drives and will always accompany the group. On a short walk in the surrounding area you will be accompanied by a Maasai warrior, however for longer walks, an armed ranger will escort you. Walking into the bush from camp your guides can't help but share their deep knowledge of a land handed down from generation to generation. There’s no better way to learn the intricacies of ecosystems and wildlife than from someone who was born on the land.

Note: Private Conservancies allow guided bush walks, however this is only permitted in designated areas in some National Parks & Reserves.

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Cultural Interaction

The Maasai are probably one of the most well known tribes in Africa., Their vast homeland spans much of Kenya’s most popular safari regions. Through building crucial partnerships with communities, we have access to many cultural experiences to offer our guests that will add a vibrant dimension to your safari. Unlike the contrived performances staged at big lodges or souvenir markets primarily catering to tourists, the cultural opportunities we make available are genuine. Visit a Maasai village, a school, witness the bustle of market day, step out onto a community-owned conservancy and learn to throw a spear as these traditional hunters do. Back in camp, there is always a chance to share together around the fire, and local tribesmen love nothing better than telling stories and celebrating our cultural diversity. After dinner, join them in a traditional dance as you immerse yourself in the natural rhythm, freedom of expression, and sense that any time is a moment to celebrate the gifts of life.

Note: This activity and special arrangements is only available in the Private Conservancies.

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Family Adventures

It’s been our experience that children adore Africa and being on safari. Our focus is on showing kids a joyful time while they discover and investigate the environment and culture around them. The various tribes across Kenya love interacting with kids and developing engaging activities for them in and around camp. Among such pursuits, children may learn to read wildlife tracks, craft their own bow and arrows, throw a spear like an expert, draw in their journals after a day of wildlife viewing, or roast marshmallows over a campfire. One thing is certain, your children will never want for stimulation! And for the adults, being on a family safari with children and seeing Africa through their eyes is to re-experience our own childhoods, finding fresh wonder and meaning in each new encounter. Activities can be tailored to the group and ages of the children.

Note: Many activities are available within the camp setting in any location however some special arrangements are only available in the Private Conservancies.

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Why not celebrate special occasions on safari? Renew vows or celebrate a milestone wedding anniversary with an authentic celebration by the Maasai warriors, ending with a blessing by the elders. You might be a multi-generational group celebrating a special birthday - we'll invite a group of the warriors and ladies to throw a party in style! Young Jewish men can celebrate their coming of age in the heart of Maasailand. Spend the day in 'the bush' with our Maasai guide who will share stories of his initiation to manhood - you could learn to throw a spear or shoot a bow and arrow. You may be fortunate enough to be invited to one of the Maasai ceremonies which are taking place in a nearby village.

Note: Many activities are available within the camp setting in any location however some special arrangements are only available in the Private Conservancies.

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Balloon Ride

If you have dreamed of being air born but are looking for a gentler pace why not take to the skies in a hot air balloon. Lifting off before day break, you will begin your balloon flight, drifting slowly above the savannahs teeming with wildlife, enjoy the peace and serenity of floating above it all. At the end of your balloon ride you will come down to land where you can enjoy a bush breakfast under the shade of an acacia. It is the perfect ending to a wonderful morning.

Note: Balloon rides are only available in the Maasai Mara and Amboseli

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Scenic Flights

To get a completely different perspective of the Maasai Mara why not consider a fixed wing excursion? Imagine taking off in the Mara or Serengeti and the thrill of being able to fly low over the plains and the masses of migrating wildebeest. If you’ve got a sense of adventure and enjoy pushing boundaries for exploration then a helicopter ride is the perfect way to explore this continent’s vastness. Versatility and flexibility are the hallmarks of a helicopter flight. Because of its ability to take off and land vertically, a helicopter can transport you quickly to all corners of a region. These flights can be weaved into your safari as a day trip or as a way to add a touch of excitement and luxury to your transfers between one property and the next.

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Specialist Photography

If you're a keen photographer then you know that patience is the key to getting the perfect shot! This does mean that you also need to be in the right place at the right time and have good light. Our guides know just how to position the vehicle and are happy to sit with you for as long as it takes......it may be a hunt, sunset, animals frolicking! A Specialist Guide can also be available to assist in you in learning more about wildlife photography.

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East Africa Safari Ventures Luxury Mobile Camp

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