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Loggerhead Beach Villa

Loggerhead Beach Villa is perfectly situated for a quintessential Mozambique beach vacation. The decor is stylish, immaculate, and welcoming, ensuring our guests experience the utmost comfort. Shared areas provide the perfect spot to dine and unwind, with our intuitive staff always on hand. Metres away lies the exquisite Machangulo Private Nature Reserve beach and the inviting Indian Ocean, where guests can enjoy the sand between their toes and warm, gentle waves.

The lodge accommodates 12, featuring separate spacious rooms and ensuites, each accommodating two people. Every imaginable service is offered by our team, with all-inclusive dining, in-house activities and heavenly surroundings. Days spent on adventures are followed up with leisurely dining on the deck, with drinks from the exclusive bar, watching the sunset. Guests can enjoy snorkelling or kayaking on the reefs exploring the corals and marine life, or the exhilarating thrill of fat biking along the beach, and evenings playing table tennis, darts and pool.

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