At 4750 square kilometres, Lower Zambezi National Park is a comparatively new addition to the crown of attractions available in Zambia. What a jewel it is at the heart of a very important conservation area which also includes Mana Pools National Park across the river in Zimbabwe and several substantial game management areas. Flying in low over the Escarpment is just start of your adventure into this amazing corner of the world.

The scenery in Lower Zambezi is magnificent, centred on the mighty Zambezi River, whose meandering waters are responsible for depositing the unusually rich soils that line the river, creating broad grassy floodplains and impressive stands of open mahogany and ebony forests. Your first Glimpse of this valley will leave you in awe of this majestic river and its surroundings.

The ever constant and reassuring Zambezi Escarpment rises a short distance from the river creates a majestic backdrop for this hidden world and forms a natural barrier for the wildlife of the Lower Zambezi National park

The area contains excellent densities of wildlife, notably elephants, lions, leopards, spotted hyenas, hippos and crocodiles. There are also good chances for interaction with wild-dogs.

From a safari perspective, the most outstanding aspect of this area is the very wide range of activities on offer, including vehicle safari, night vehicle safari, walking safari, motorboat safari and canoe safari. Viewing elephants, hippos, crocodiles and other animals from the water is a particular highlight.

The national park itself is home a handful of exceptionally good safari camps, whilst the Game Management Area to the west contains a much larger number of lodges offering lower rates than the camps inside the National Park.

The area is also greatly advantaged by the fact that most of the camps here are privately owned and operated. It is one of those places where you actually get to meet the people involved, benefit from their experience and share their passion.