Lions Bluff is a striking lodge located on the top of a bluff that overlooks amazing views of the plains of the LUMO sanctuary and Mt Kilimanjaro beyond them.
Iain Leckie, his wife Helen and their family had been camping on LUMO sanctuary for many years and fell in love with its great expanse of open land and the beauty that it holds. They wanted to become more involved in the community and the protection of the sanctuary itself so when the opportunity arose to take over this little community lodge they jumped at it.
There are only 12 semi-tented bandas at Lions Bluff which are all beautifully created, each with a fantastic view over the plains below. Each room is en-suite with either a double or twin beds, and one family unit. The lodge is called Lions Bluff for a reason – the area is home to a pride of lions that can be frequently seen alongside the other big five that roam the savannahs beneath the lodge.
Ideal for everyone looking to stay in the Tsavo West area or looking for a safari near the beach. Truly the best lodge here.