26 en suite twin rooms with 54 beds, elegant and tastefully decorated, inclusive of 1 wheelchair friendly unit and one 4 bed family room. “Orange House” is a self-catering unit situated on a hill overlooking the small settlement of Aus. Although separate it still forms part of the Bahnhof Hotel`s accommodation complex in the centre of town The small town of Aus has an astonishing rich history dating back to German colonial times. This charming village was once the hub of many Oxen-wagon transporters and traders. Remains of the POW (prisoners of war) camp can still be seen today followed by many stories of hardship, bravery, diamond rushes and the coming of the railway. The hotel has 26 immaculate clean rooms, elegantly yet frugally decorated, each with en suite facilities. The hotel serves a large variety of outstanding cuisine, cakes and beverages throughout the day. Day tours to historical sites and the Huib Park reveal some of the most gripping and breathtakingly beautiful landscapes on our planet. Awards - consecutive HAN Bronze medal winner from 2007 through to 2010; Silver medal in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.